Thursday 27 June 2019

Argument writing.

This week for writing we had to write an argument on cell phones. Here is mine.

Cell Phone Argument
I strongly believe that Kids should not be allowed a phone until they are
13 or over, because cellphones cause a lack of imagination, low attention
span and they are too caught up in their device that they don’t have time to
go outside and get some fresh air.

Children under 13 shouldn’t have cellphones because social media is a terrible
influence on a teenage mind. Researchers have found that instagram, twitter
and facebook are just another way to target weaker or less popular people
and bully them. It’s called cyberbullying. 
How would you like your child being cyberbullied? Social media is a dangerous

Cell Phones also generate a short attention span. If kids are always on their
device they are unlikely to be able to pay attention for a long period of time.
When they are bored they can just flick between pages or watch something
else on their device. There are endless things to do on a phone or a computer,
so kids rarely put it down!

Research says a healthy child should get at least 1 hour of physical activity
per day if not more. Is your child doing that? Cell phones prevent physical
activity and fun fitness. Cell phones are taking over your mind and your body.
Social sport is a great way to make friends and cell phones block that pathway.
Cell phones create moody, depressed and angry children who won’t talk or
Are you letting your child's brain rot? Is your child depressed and moody, could
cell phones be the cause of this?

What do you think? Think about what cell phones are doing to our generation
and generations after. I strongly think that children should not have cell phones
because they cause a distraction, lack of imagination and low self esteem. 

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