Thursday 30 April 2020

Monday Mornings

This week we had to write about our monday mornings. We had to use our 5 senses to describe it in full detail. Here is mine.

I’ll set my alarm, what a great idea……

I'm about to slay the dragon when it starts beeping, what? Dragons don’t beep. It doesn’t stop, so I struggle my eyes open, but it’s still there. Beep! Beep! Beep! I glare at my watch, oh, realization hits me. I reach out and hit snooze. Ahh that’s better! I drift away once again to the dragon but the beeping starts again. Oh for God's sake! 

I’m up! dragging myself out of bed. 
I see Atlas stare up at me as if to say, Don’t get up, PLEASE. I tell him I
have to, so he gently rises then grumpily leaps off my bed. 

The sun filters through my bedroom window as I reach for the door.
Staggering down the hallway I stumble into the bathroom. The warm water
cleanses my skin, waking me up a little. My face pink from the shower i
change and go into the kitchen

The smell of fresh coffee and muesli fills my nostrils while the sound of
soda being charged and Atlas barking makes me feel content. 
Mmmm, the hot, buttery toast tastes divine, just what I felt like! 

I hear the others get up as I practice my cello. The rosin on my bow has a
distinct smell of tree which is nice, I guess. My fingers are stiff like a pencil
which is no good for the elige! But too late now it’s time to go. The minty
taste lingers in my mouth as we head out the door. 

Oh No! We’re going to be late again! 

Monday mornings Suck! 

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Antarctica photo album.

This week for reading we had to create a photo album from Antarctica. Here is mine.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

My special Place.

This week we had to write a piece on our special place. I chose the Collingwood beach in golden bay.

My Special Place. 
Walking along, the smell of the salty seaside and hot chips fill my nostrils. 
Salty, dried seaweed swirls through the air along with the subtle scent of
fresh fish. I smell the presence of the water gently combing the sand for
As I dig my toes into the soft sand it provides a bed for my feet. The breeze
filters through my hair like a sieve. Sharp sticks poke me occasionally leaving
my feet speckled with splinters.
In the distance I see fishermen waiting for their prey. I see the birds flying
overhead with the wind as a pillow under their wings. Some kids nearby are
making huts out of the driftwood. The waves lap onto the shore, inhaling and
exhaling as they climb up the beach. seagulls and shags exchange calls
screeching as they go. 
I hear the distant shouts of the fishermen when they haul in a fresh snapper.
My brother yells as a fish nearby jumps, we laugh, as it’s only a stone.   
Collingwood beach is my special place,I feel calm and relaxed as I run through
the sand. 

Collingwood - Mile Steppin'

Friday 17 April 2020

Place Value Patritioning

WALT: Use Different startergies to solve addition problems.
We had to create a DLO explaining how to use this stratergy. Here is mine.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Hide and Seek Poem

Today we had to write a Hide and Seek poem. We had to describe a time when we were playing hide and seek. I chose to do a time when i was playing spotlight at a party.

Hide and Seek 

Go! I sprint away, my hair flying in the wind. I scan the area as I run, searching
for a spot. 
Faster! Faster!
As I reach the spot a crowd gathers, they too have the same idea. We form a
line and over the fence we go everyone helping each other over the towering
fence. We land in a heap on the dirty ground. 
But not too loud, they’re after us. 
Through the grimey boards I see a torch flash, blinding me from my watch. 
Stay low and quiet. 
Inhaling and exhaling like a whale, am I too loud?
I hear the distant giggling and shushing coming from behind me. 
I try to shush them but the excitement builds. 
My blood pumps and my heart pounds. 
I mustn't move a muscle. 
I feel the board vibrate as the seeker walks overhead. 
I stay low even though I'm already lying on the damp mud, sluggish.
My friends hush and we all try not to breathe. 
Does he know we’re there? I hope not because I want to win!
The suspense lingered as he scanned the area with the torch. 
The light blasts in my face. 
