Wednesday 15 April 2020

Hide and Seek Poem

Today we had to write a Hide and Seek poem. We had to describe a time when we were playing hide and seek. I chose to do a time when i was playing spotlight at a party.

Hide and Seek 

Go! I sprint away, my hair flying in the wind. I scan the area as I run, searching
for a spot. 
Faster! Faster!
As I reach the spot a crowd gathers, they too have the same idea. We form a
line and over the fence we go everyone helping each other over the towering
fence. We land in a heap on the dirty ground. 
But not too loud, they’re after us. 
Through the grimey boards I see a torch flash, blinding me from my watch. 
Stay low and quiet. 
Inhaling and exhaling like a whale, am I too loud?
I hear the distant giggling and shushing coming from behind me. 
I try to shush them but the excitement builds. 
My blood pumps and my heart pounds. 
I mustn't move a muscle. 
I feel the board vibrate as the seeker walks overhead. 
I stay low even though I'm already lying on the damp mud, sluggish.
My friends hush and we all try not to breathe. 
Does he know we’re there? I hope not because I want to win!
The suspense lingered as he scanned the area with the torch. 
The light blasts in my face. 



  1. Hi Honor
    Ohhhh I was holding my breathe reading that, wondering if you were going to be spotted by the searching torch. Great poem.


  2. Hi Honor,

    Well done for writing such a descriptive poem. You have definitely created the feeling of suspense for your reader. I get a vivid picture in my mind from the descriptive detail you have included. I especially like the line "Inhaling and exhaling like a whale, am I too loud?" Everything seems so much louder when you are playing games like spotlight at night. Next time consider including something visual like a collage you create or a photo to draw the reader's attention to your post. Keep up the great work Mrs P

  3. Hi Honor
    It is Molly from T1, That was a really good poem, it made me feel like I was there as well.
    Keep up the good work :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.