Tuesday 2 July 2019

Argument writing

This week we also had to write another argument about should kids have phones at school. I think they shouldn't. Here is my writing.
Should cell phones be allowed at school?

I strongly believe that cell phones should not be allowed at school because
they cause a huge distraction for the posesser and their peers around them.
Cell phones also prevent socialization between children and their friends.
They also cause some serious health problems. 

Children should definitely not be allowed phones at school because they
cause a major distraction for kids and people around them. Imagine this
scenario… your teacher tells someone to get off their phone and they ignore
her, she tells them again and again but they still don’t listen. They then put
earphones in and put on some loud music on. You and the rest of the class
have just wasted 5 precious minutes of the day just waiting for that one person.
Imagine if that happens 12 times, that is a whole hour of your day wasted! Cell
phones not only distract you from your learning but your teacher and
classmates too.  

Cell phones are also a brick wall in front of socialization. They cause kids to
stop making friends and resort to their cell phones. Cell phones also create a
pathway for bullies to weasel their way into your life and bully you. Your poor
defenseless child doesn’t know what's hit them. They are now being bullied not
only at school but on the internet too. 

Who manages children's use of phones at school? Whos to say children are
not sneaking around taking photos and videos of you or others without them
knowing, they might then post it on social media without you knowing. Who
wants an embarrassing photo where everybody can see it? Certainly not me!  
We are letting all this happen? Well it’s time to stop it! Not only is this a privacy
risk it’s also a bullying risk. 

Schools meant to be a fun place full of laughter and enjoyment.
Cell phones are wrecking our generation. I have seen the transformation of
skinny fit kids getting addicted to their device and then turning into a fat
Obnoxious unfit kids who’s always on their phone.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Honor, I really enjoyed reading your argument. But maybe next time you could change your background because it is really hard to read. But other than that it is really good.
    From Elijah


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