Friday 27 May 2016

Reflections Week 4 Term 2

This is my Mr stink follow up . We had to do a different and similarities I liked doing it because I could com pear the movie to the book and I thought that the book was better because i could picture the character in my head with out watching the movie.

This is the  maths follow up for this week we had to do doubling and halving it was to test times tables strategies I thought it was alright but it was not my favorite. 

This is the writing activity for this week we had to write descriptive peace of writing for this  object and then we had to do a drawing of the live animal that the skuleten belongs too.

1 comment:

  1. A great weeks reflections Honor. You have really though about your learning and I can see this from you follow-ups and your reflections also. You have adapted really quickly to digital learning and I can see you flying with it. Well done!


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